
At the 90th anniversary of our association a delegation of our members visited a Slovene composer Jakob Jež, an honorary member and our long- time neighbour who now lives with his daughter in Ljubljana.

This autumn our association organized a special visit from fruit growers of Mozirje, who sent us a special »thank you« for a very well organised programme ...

Holiday of dried fruit and in the a morning walk around Trubar's birth parish on Sunday, were very successful, it was especially beautiful because of the 80th anniversary of our fruit drying house.

These days we have harvested the ecologically cultivated millet and very soon there will be a nice smell of millet mash cooking in our pots….

The vocal group Dried Prunes and other representatives of Association for preserving heritage have besides the Alpe-Adria fair attended other events in Slovenia and also Štruklijada in Kumrovec in Croatia.

Also this year has our association organised an evening under the lime tree in Gradež, this is an old village tradition which was revived seven years ago.

Members of our association went on a special educational trip to Gradež (Grado) in Italy.

Before the event of Celebration of spring on 22nd April, painters from Ljubljana painted different scenes of our village. Their exhibition started on 7th May 2018 in “Dom krajanov Turjak”. You can have a look until Monday 14th May 2018 it is open every day from 17.00 till 19.00, on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 till 12 am.

 In the spirit of keeping old customs and traditions, the members of our associations put on masks on the Saturday of Pust (Mardi Gras), we call people in masks »mačkare«.

From 31st January to 3rd February Gospodarsko razstavišče in Ljubljana held a 29th fair, called Natour Alpe-Adria, our association took part in it.

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