On Sunday, September 15, 2019, our association again proved to be a successful organization of the Dry Fruit Festival and the Hike by Trubar`s birth parish. Only 50 hikers took part in the morning trails, but more than 2.000 people visited Gradež, who spent an unforgettable afternoon. Occasionally, all the tables were occupied and more parking was needed.
Before the hike, we were greeted by the new president of the association Lojze Sencar, on Trubar˙s home stead we we had delicious chocolate donuts from Don Don bakery, guide Andrej Perhaj told some important information about the publication of the first two Slovenian books.
The Gradež stage featured: announcer Roman Jeglič and speakers: the president of the association and new mayors of Velike Lašče, dr. Tadej Malovrh. In the cultural program we were listening and watching the last performance of the homegroups Suhe češplje, young Krheljčki who were making their debut at this holiday, the Grmada folk group and the known Zvon Quartet. The group Pojav entertained us until the evening.
The offer of food (Gradež goulash, trout a la Gradež, Gradež desserts ...) was, as the last, enriched with štruklji (cooked wrapped dough) filled with dried pears. The Parnas Institute, led by Metka Starič, organized the culinary workshop Gremo na štruklje (Let`s go for štruklji) and the proceeds went to our association for the purchase of fruit trees. After the announcement of the workshop leader Jože Starič, the participants of the workshop received the awards given by the mayor. The latter was enthusiastic about the event, and at the tasting he told for each type of štruklji to which food they would be appropriate.
Sellers at stands (many already known and a few new ones) were satisfied with the sale. For the traditional raffle, the members of the association have compiled over 700 lucky winnings, which were sold very quickly. Despite the bad "mushroom situation", we were preparing a quite varied mushroom exhibition. The Turjak archers organized a workshop for which there was a great deal of interest among young and old alike.
Among the visitors were many regulars who like to come back every year, also to other events of ours. The new ones also admired the work of our association, the sights of the village, and the kindness of everyone who worked at the event. They ensured that they will return to our village.
You can read more in Trobla.











