On Saturday, June 1st, 23 of our members took part in a professional social excursion to Zasavje. Everything we saw impressed and enriched us.
The first stop was in Izlake, where we were joined by the fun guide Miran Rus, also a member of the Evergreen duo. We saw Valvazor's chapel and walked along Valvazor's bee-keeping path, where the ruins of the Media Castle, where the baron grew up, stand. In the Čebelica pizzeria, we were served a "miner" breakfast: bread with sausage, "šmorn" and white coffee.
In Loke by Kisovec, we were shown around the mining museum by another musician guide - Vlado Poredoš, leader of the band Orleki. In the museum tunnel, we could feel the real underground environment, which was once the second home of miners, miners of brown coal.
In Zagorje, we stopped at the Janez Drnovšek monument, and in the memorial room of Ladko Korošac, we watched a film about this world-famous opera singer.
In Hrastnik, guide Špela Ulaga invited us to an old classroom, where we sat down on low chairs and felt like schoolchildren again. In the puppet museum in the same building, we learned from her how marionettes are made and we could also try our hand at "managing" these puppets.
A very rich and delicious late lunch was prepared for us in his inn in Podkum by chef Lojze Čop. After lunch, some of us walked around the part of their estate, where they built glamping houses, and looked at the premises of the old inn, where they preserve the rich family heritage. In addition to hunting trophies, it includes a lot of household equipment and many othe
There is more in the municipal Trobla.









