Have you ever heard the sound of a wash rack, a saw, a rake, a flax comb, a bucket and a base pot?
If you have ever watched and listened to the performance of the homegrown group Dried Prunes accompanied by the accordion and the guitar in the hands of two "krjlja" (krhelj means: dried piece of apple), then you know ...
The group's name is taken from the vocabulary of fruit drying. Plum trees are numerous in this area and the fruit is very suitable for drying. The naming of the group, the lyrics and tunes, accompanied by handy old instruments are all part of preserving our heritage. The group has performed in many towns all over Slovenia and also abroad. It has also been seen or heard in local and national media.
Barbara Pance wrote about her experience in our village for the journal Slovenske novice (Slovenian news): »When the women of Gradež gather in the drying house, where fire is about to be lit, to sort the fruit, which lying on the wooden planks slowly loses its moisture and freshness, you can suddenly hear a tune gently coming over the hills and forests of Turjak. Old folk tunes are at first heard only as a murmur and they gradually become fine singing voices. When the fruit is being sorted the women of Gradež become the Dried Prunes«.
The group first appeared at the Holiday of Dried Fruit 2004, and had a farewell appearance in 2018. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, they had trouble performing the exercises. In addition, the former young "krhlja" (with guitar and accordion) have grown up and are no longer able to accompany Dried Prunes because of all their work and new family responsibilities. Maybe someday the youth will form a similar group again ...



